College can be incredibly expensive, and many families take out student loans to help cover the costs. But there are several types of student loans with different terms for paying back the borrowed funds, as well as various strategies for juggling paying off student loans while covering other expenses.
Did you know that nearly 80% of Millennials and Gen Zers have turned to social media for financial advice? It's not surprising when you consider that a whopping 69% of those surveyed by Forbes Advisor encounter financial advice on social media at least once a week. For 1 in 4, it's a daily occurrence. In the age of information overload, navigating financial advice on social media can be tricky. With countless influencers and self-proclaimed experts vying for your attention, it's crucial to approach online financial guidance with a discerning eye.
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These terms and conditions govern your use of the Find a CFP® Professional Search feature on Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.’s (“CFP Board”) Let’s Make a Plan website (
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CFP Board publishes the Find a CFP® Professional as a reference source about CFP® professionals in the United States. It does not include all CFP® professionals – only those who choose to be included.
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For example, CFP Board does not verify that CFP® professionals focus their practices in the specific areas they designate.
It is your responsibility to ask the CFP® professional about his or her experience. You should interview and evaluate several financial professionals to find the one who is right for you. You will want to select a competent, qualified professional with whom you feel comfortable and who suits your financial planning needs. For sample questions to ask when interviewing a financial advisor, visit
Other than what we provide in these terms, CFP Board makes no representations or warranties of any nature – express or implied – with respect to the information obtained through Find a CFP® Professional, including whether the information is accurate or complete. The material included in or available through Find a CFP® Professional is for informational purposes only and is provided on an “AS IS” basis.
When you rely upon the information obtained through Find a CFP® Professional, you do so at your own risk. CFP Board does not warrant or guarantee the work of any CFP® professional. You assume full responsibility for any interactions you have with a CFP® professional you contact.
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CFP Board is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information on these websites. When you use or rely on these websites, CFP Board cannot be held responsible or liable (directly or indirectly) for any loss or damage resulting from the content, goods, or services available on these websites.