Open Enrollment Email to Employees (Templates)

The open enrollment process is often confusing and time-consuming. Many companies find communications difficult to manage during this time and participation is frequently low. Making changes to how open enrollment is presented and discussed with a strategic plan can alleviate much of the frustration.

What Is Open Enrollment?

Open enrollment is a predetermined time frame employers establish for making changes to health care plans and benefits. It often brings many questions and can be stressful on both sides of the communication flow.

Why Open Enrollment Communication To Employees Matters

The better employees understand open enrollment and the benefits they receive from participating, the higher engagement employers will see from their team.

Why Send An OE To Employees

Accessibility and clarity of complex information give employees and employers a better experience and promote higher levels of participation. It starts valuable dialog on what’s being offered and how to take advantage of it.

5 Tips For Boosting OE

The point of offering healthcare employee benefits for employees is to ensure that they are properly cared for. But if not enough people participate in the program, the company may also not see the benefits. For more open enrollment tips and open enrollment ideas, ensure clear and engaging communication throughout the process.

  1. Include employees in the benefits planning process
  2. Ensure dates and deadlines are clearly communicated
  3. Send engaging and clear communications
  4. Point out any tax or investment advantages
  5. Provide helpful resources that are easy to digest

When To Announce OE

It’s recommended the announcement email should go out two weeks before benefits packages are made available to all employees.

When Should The Email Go Out?

If a company operates based on the fiscal year, the ideal open enrollment time frame would be in October. For that time frame, announcements would go out in the middle of September.

Drafting A Sample Email

Most employees receive a flood of work-related emails every single day. This can cause important ones like open enrollment to fall through the cracks or simply be skimmed so they can move on to the next thing.

Here are a few tips to make OE emails engaging and drive participation.

Open Enrollment Email Templates

Open with an engaging subject line and immediately set a positive tone. Ensure they know exactly what they’re supposed to do next.

Save-The-Date Emails

One Month Before Deadline

Subject Line: Heads Up: Open Enrollment Details Coming Your Way

Get ready to discuss all things benefits! Open enrollment begins one month from now, beginning [DATE] until [DATE].

We’ve got some exciting options this year so be prepared to make changes!

Pre-OE (Two Weeks Before)

Subject Line: We’re Two Weeks From Open Enrollment!

You heard it here first! Open enrollment begins [DATE] and closes [DATE].

Here’s what you need to do to get started now! [Instructions or refer to additional resources]

Please let us know if you have questions by replying to this email!

One Day Before Deadline

Subject Line: Tomorrow Is The Day For Open Enrollment!

We’re one day away from open enrollment! The deadline to make any changes will be [DATE].

Here’s what you need to do to get and early start: [Instructions]

Attached is a flier with more details but please reply here and let us know if you have questions!

Sign-Up Online

Subject Line: Open Enrollment Made Easy!

As you know, open enrollment is open now and closes [DATE].

All you have to do to make changes to your benefits is to log into the online portal and make any changes.

Here’s how to do that: [Instructions]

Please let us know if you have questions!

Start of OE

Subject Line: Let’s Talk Benefits! Everything You Need Is Inside!

It’s that time of year again! We’re two weeks from open enrollment. The official dates are [DATE] to [DATE].

This is the time for you to [Instructions]

We’re excited to bring you [Detail plan options and info]

Start reviewing your benefit information now so you’re ready when the time is right.

The good news is that we’re here for you every step of the way! If you have questions please send to [email] or attend the upcoming Q&A [Date, time location].

Related Resources and Quick Tips

Another way to increase engagement is to provide helpful resources and quick tips for employees to reference. Here are a few ideas:

Also consider other help emails that explain the process in greater detail.

Get Our Open Enrollment Action Plan and Timeline

Open enrollment is complex enough as it is. Make it easy on you and your team by taking advantage of our action plan and timeline. You can get your own copy here.

Make Open Enrollment A Breeze

Do you dread open enrollment because your current process just isn’t driving efficiencies? It’s never too late to make this year’s open enrollment effortless. Schedule a consultation with us to see how we can alleviate administrative burden this open enrollment and beyond.