It's waiting for the sender to cumbit the invoice to the customs now. You need to contact the seller to let him sumbit in time. If the seller doesn't reply you, I suggest you open a dispute from AliExpress to get refund in time.
Hi! The parcel with the LC113304224CN order is stuck at customs with the status "China, ZSGJYJCLZX ZSGJYJCLZX, Retained by customs, Invoice missing/ inappropriate" from 2022-09-25 15:48. Is there any way to solve this situation? Thanks!
Could you please contact the Aliexpress trading platform and sellers if any additional information is required from them (this is a consolidated package). Thanks again for the help!
Hello, I sent a parcel to Shanghai from Russia, track number CB032788244RU, the status is invoice missing/inappropriate. The receipent didnt receive any messages.
How can I cantact cusoms to clarify deailes
M parcel has arrived at my country however customs have said that the invoice is missing. I have not been contacted by anybody and I have not received any information about what to do. It has been stuck at "invoice Is missing" for over 2 weeks now. how and who should I contact to resolve this?